Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Communication and Academic Skill-Free-Samples -Myassignmenthelp

Question: Write a Reflective Journal on the topic Increased Communication and Academic Scholarship Skills. Answer: Introduction The report is a reflective journal on the topic Increased communication and academic scholarship skills, the journal reflects my journey during the learning process of Business communication. I have narrated my experience and things that I have learned and the difficulties that I faced, while learning. I have also mentioned what benefits I got from this topic and how it will be useful for me in the future. I have also mentioned my future plans that what else I have decided to get more exposure in this particular area, my aim is to get a deep knowledge in the topic business communication and this journal shows my journey on how increased communication has helped me in developing my academic and scholarship skills (Jarratt and Ceric 2015). The reflective journal is based on the learning outcomes from the lecture topic of Communication and academic skill development. Learning about the various concepts of communication was very interesting and I enjoyed learning the topic. I learned many topics that I think would be very beneficial for me in my future career as well as life. The learning outcomes from the topic taught me the relevance of communication in development of academic scholarship skills. These topic will be helpful for me in the developing my scholarship skills during the trimester. I have seen a significant impact of this particular lesson on myself, earlier it was very difficult for me to communicate but with the progress in the lectures I learned important aspects of communications and its impact with reference to academic. The lecture started with the basic concepts of communication. Then we studied about the process of communication, its relevance. The lecturer taught us about business communication so th at we can progress towards efficiency in the communication skills we possess. The lectures and the teachings were very effective for me because my communication skills have been improved. The practical lessons that were included in the learning process were the most helpful. Though there were many topics that were difficult to understand and I had to refer many books and online sources to get more knowledge, the difficult topics that I found was intercultural communication, I had refer many other books to learn about the topic. If I had to judge my learning outcomes I would say overall it was very good and I enjoyed learning a new topic, the progress in my academic scholarship skills was very evident, it makes me say that, it was very fruitful for me (Jarratt and Ceric 2015). In my opinion, Communication is very important in our lives, both at professional and personal level, being a student I think Communication plays a very important role in my learning process, I feel that the topic needed more practical lessons, because communication is one such topic that needs more practical exposure than theoretical knowledge. Theories at times become very complex to understand, but once we get a practical example of that topic it becomes clear and the topic no longer seems to be as difficult. The lecture could have been more beneficial for me if it included more examples. For me the lectures would have been easier if there were ample examples and case studies were included. I think practical exposure could have developed my scholarship skills (Jarratt and Ceric 2015). Earlier I had slight idea about communication and had many doubts and confusion about communication. For me communication was limited up to verbal forms and I had very less idea about the non-verbal communication but after the learning, I realized that ideas I had on this topic were very limited and narrow. Going through the topic in depth, I came to know so many things about communication that cleared all my previous doubts and confusions, though the new topics were complex but interesting at the same time. It gave me an opportunity to refer to different sources, my lecturer helped me coming out of the hurdles in the learning process. Comparing my knowledge with my past knowledge I would say that I am in a very good position today in terms of gaining knowledge in this particular topic (Jarratt and Ceric 2015). Before the lecture started, my perception was that, communication is a very simple topic and there is very less to study in this particular topic, but as the lecture started, I realized my hypothesis was completely wrong. Communication as topic is not that simple as I had perceived about, communication is definitely not limited to talking and writing, non-verbal communication has a very significant role to play. My previous learning was very limited, that narrowed my viewpoint on communication. Learning new things is always a very interesting thing for me. (Jarratt and Ceric 2015). The information that I got from this learning will be useful for my entire career and not just to this trimester. I will use this information in my higher studies, communication is one such topic that can be taught in the higher studies as well, there I can use my present learning outcomes, it will be very beneficial for me to study and score good marks in the future. The knowledge and the information will not be restricted up to my academic scholarship skills but it will also be useful in my professional life in the future, I will use the information and knowledge in whichever organization I work. In business communication the written communication plays a very significant role, my lecture had taught me to write formal business letters, notices and circulars, the writing skill knowledge that I received from this lecture will help me in my higher studies as well as in professional career. As for my personal life, I have learned communication helps in building interpersonal relations, which is very important while working as a team in an organization (Shaw 2015). I have learned the significance of nonverbal communication as how it changes from country to country, this particular topic was the most difficult topic but the most useful as well, now I know what is the importance of paralanguage, gestures, eye contacts and touches in various cultures. I now know that how gestures offend and impress people of different culture, this has made me aware, how I should interact and communicate with people of different cultures, without offending them (Shaw 2015). Another very important thing that I learned was barriers of the communication, this particular topic I think will be very useful in the future because now I know what are the different barriers and how to overcome those barriers, communication barriers affects the process of communication and miscommunication can turn disastrous, if not checked in time. So, knowing how one can make communication process effective is very useful. I am very satisfied that now I know how barriers can be avoided for effective communication and I will be using this information in the future, in my higher studies, for academic excellence, scholarship skill development, in professional life, for communicating effectively in the organization and in personal life to communicate with people effectively (Jarratt and Ceric 2015). The one question that I had before was effectiveness of communication, how can I make communication process effective, from the learning outcomes of this topic. Now, I can communicate effectively, but still I want to know whether my knowledge and learning will be sufficient to communicate effectively, or approach that is more practical is required, the learning process will continue until I become confident enough to use these skills at professional level. The effectiveness of my learning outcomes will be tested when I will get a practical exposure. However, I feel confident than before and have improved a lot. Through my learning outcomes, I think I can score good marks in this subject, and I have planned to study more on this topic, by searching sources, books, journals and articles of this particular topic. I have planned to pursue a short-term communication, or I will take a foreign language lessons, French or Spanish or Germany. I have planned to improve my speaking part more be cause I think that is my weaker part. I will practice my writing skills more because that is my strength. My plan as of now is to gain more knowledge on this topic by referring to other resources. Then I will focus on improving my communication skills, I will take the help of my lecturer for this and online sources, for my writing part, I will practice writing formal business letters, circulars and notices. Then I will focus on taking foreign language course. These activities and my learning experience from the lectures would be very effective for me to develop my scholarship skills (Niki?, Mitrovi? and Travica 2014). Conclusion In the end, I conclude that the lectures were very beneficial for me, the information will be used in future for higher studies and professional career, most importantly this lecture has given me a lifelong learning that can be used in any phase of my life. There were certain difficulties that I faced while learning this topic but with the help of my lecturer I overcame all the difficulties, the learning outcomes gave very good results. 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